Rawet s.r.o.
Manufacturing of regulation and measurement technology, transducers, temperature sensors.
Čapkova 22, 678 01 Blansko  Česká republika
+420 516 416 942 rawet@rawet.cz
Ověřená firma - ekatalog.cz ISO 9001:2008

Related products - PTP11

Total 6 items


Univerzální převodník teploty bez galvanického oddělení
  • převodník je určen do hlavice teploměru rozměr DIN „B“
  • uživatelská konfigurace převodníku
  • převodník s výstupem 0-10V je určen k převodu signálu z Pt100, Pt1000, Ni100 a Ni1000,

€59.00 excl. VAT


In stock
Programmable transmitter for temperature head without galvanic isolation
  • PP200 is mounted in a connection head DIN "B" dimension or any box
  • converter without galvanic isolation, converts temperature from RTD to 4..20mA
  • easy programming range by AX-USB adapter (AY-USB) without power supply
  • the transmitter can be programmed for the types of sensors: Pt100, Pt1000, Ni 100, Ni 1000, KTY81..

€59.20 excl. VAT


Multi-purpose temperature and resistance transmitter without galvanic isolation
  • transmitter is mounted in a connection head DIN "B" dimension or any box
  • easy programming by AX-USB adapter (AY-USB) without power supply
  • transmitter with 0..10V ouput is designed for:
       - any RTD sensor, resistance transmitter or potentiometer 0..100Ω, 0..1kΩ and 0..10 kΩ
       - voltage 0..10V, thermistors..

€64.70 excl. VAT


new In stock
Multi-purpose temperature and resistance transmitter with galvanic isolation
  • transmitter is mounted in a connection head DIN "B" dimension or any box
  • galvanic isolation input - output - power supply: 1200Vef
  • easy programming by AX-USB adapter (AY-USB) without power supply
  • Transmitter with 4..20mA ouput is designed for:
       - any thermocouple with linearization and cold junction compensation
       - any RTD sensor or resistance transmitter
       - thermistors, KTY, NTC..

€99.80 excl. VAT


In stock
Programmable transmitter for small temperature head "MAA" without galvanic isolation
  • transmitter is mounted in a connection head DIN "MAA" dimension or any box
  • easy programming by AX-USB adapter (AY-USB) without power supply
  • it converts temperature from RTD thermometer to 4..20mA
  • transmitter can be set for sensors Pt100/Ni100 or Pt1000/Ni1000

€67.50 excl. VAT


In stock
Digital temperature transmitter with RS485 otput without galvanic isolation
  • transmitter is mounted in a connection head DIN "B" dimension or any box
  • it converts temperature from Pt100, Pt1000 or Ni1000 sensor to digital otput RS485
  • transmitter has auto-recognize for Pt100 or Pt1000 sensors
  • we can set it for other input signals too
  • communication by RS485 line with master device on baud rate 600..19200Bd

€65.10 excl. VAT